Welcome to the Bigelow PTO!
The Bigelow PTO is the parent-teacher organization of the Bigelow Middle School. All Bigelow parents, guardians, teachers and staff are members of the PTO, and we encourage the participation of all in its activities. There are approximately 500 students and over 450 families at Bigelow – one of the four middle schools in Newton, MA.
We are dedicated to provide support and information to the parent community and promote the core values of the Bigelow Middle School by supporting an environment wherein they will develop respect for self and others, a sense of responsibility for oneself and the community, and a love of learning.
The Bigelow PTO is a volunteer organization and the Board Members are elected every year. Click HERE to see a list of current PTO Board Members.
Events and activities
In order to fulfill its purposes, the Bigelow PTO promotes community, social, cultural, educational and fundraising activities throughout the year, including:
- Back to School Picnic (September)
- 6th Grade Potluck (September)
- Ten Tables: Bigelow Fall Social (Fall)
- Big Night (Spring)
- Teacher Appreciation Luncheon and Tea (throughout the year)
- Social events, such as Restaurant Night, Ice Skating, etc.
What the PTO supports
Funds raised by the PTO (events and donations) support Bigelow performing arts, technology, literature, cultural events and lots more for our children and the school, including:
- Creative Arts and Sciences (CASC)
- One Book, One School Program
- Purchase of school items and equipment (Arts, Gym, Performing Arts, Technology, etc.)
- Field trips
- Speaker Fees
- Gardening of School Grounds
- Graduation/Year-end activities
- Newton Serves
- Teacher & Staff Support
- Bigelow PTO Family Directory
- Support to school programs (such as Boost, Keystone, ADL, etc.)
We invite you to be an active member of our community by participating in our activities. Volunteering is a great way to meet other parents and build school community. There are many opportunities to get involved. Check out how to volunteer.
The purpose of the PTO
To read the full text of PTO by-laws: Bigelow PTO By-Laws
Communication and contact
The PTO keeps families up-to-date with what is going on in the school and in the community. The main form of communication between the PTO and your family is through e-mail.
We send Bigelow PTO Notes every Sunday evening. This weekly newsletter will provide you with important dates, details on activities/club sign ups, PTO functions, school events, information on ways to get involved and other pertinent information needed to navigate the school year.
If you are not yet receiving emails from the PTO, please click here to sign up for the email list:
Check out all the other ways you can keep up to date with the happenings at Bigelow.
To contact the PTO, please send an email to bigelowbulldog@gmail.com
Other useful links
- Bigelow Middle School (Bigelow’s website)
- @BulldogWoofs (Bigelow’s Tweeter)
- Bigelow Sports Calendar
- Student Activities and Sports