Please contact us if you have any questions, feedback, suggestions or ideas. Your input and support makes our PTO community stronger.
- For all PTO questions, please email us at
- For PTO Notes newsletter submissions please email
- For Community Notes newsletter submissions please email
Keep up to date with the happenings at Bigelow
- Website:
You will find lots of helpful information and links for what is going on at Bigelow, the PTO, and in the Newton Community. The Bigelow calendar is also on the website.
- PTO Newsletters and E-mail Communication
The main form of communication between the PTO and your family is through our Bigelow PTO Notes, sent every Sunday. The PTO Notes will provide you with important dates, information on activities/club sign ups, PTO events, information of ways to get involved and other pertinent information needed to navigate the school year. We also send Community Notes every Wednesday as a service to our community. Join our mailing list.
Bigelow PTO Notes – Sundays @ 6pm – News and events directly related to the school.
Grade specific messages – They are sent as needed throughout the year.
If you are not already receiving emails from the PTO, please click here to sign up for the email list. Make sure to choose all the newsletters you want to receive.
The Bigelow PTO manages a Family and Staff Directory that is hosted online at My School Anywhere, a secure and easy to use school directory platform.
Contact information of incoming 6th graders is automatically added to the Bigelow Directory if they were in the Lincoln-Eliot, Mason-Rice, Underwood or Ward directories. If they come from out-of-town or a different school, please let us know and we will send you instructions on how to be included in the directory.
- PTO Meetings
There are four PTO meetings during the year and all parents and guardians are invited to attend.