
Hello Bigelow Teachers,

The Bigelow PTO supports teachers and Bigelow programs in many ways, including reimbursement for After School Program snacks, community events, tech support and sports equipment. Additionally, the PTO funds Mini Grants for Teachers’ Projects.

Please use the form below to request reimbursement from the PTO for either Mini Grants or for other teacher related expenses that have been approved by the PTO.

Mini Grants

  1. Send a written proposal to Ms. Coston 
  2. Ms. Coston will share it with the PTO Board
  3. The PTO Board will discuss, make a decision and let Ms. Coston know, who will then advise the teacher(s) 
  4. There is a $500 cap per project and a $250 cap per teacher per year (2 teachers can sponsor one project)
  5. If the project is approved by the PTO Board, teachers should pay the expenses and then request reimbursement from the PTO, using the online form below.

Reimbursement Request

In order to request a reimbursement or payment from the Bigelow PTO, please fill out the online form below. Please be ready to submit a PDF or an image of the original receipt or invoice. You can upload it to the form.

Bigelow PTO Request for Reimbursement or Payment FORM

If you have any questions, please contact our Treasurers at bigelowtreasurer@gmail.com.

Thank you!