June 2024
Hello 8th grade families!
Celebration week is coming around the corner. We wanted to share some final details on the activities that have been planned for your 8th graders. Please note updates to the timing of the Level99 Field Trip on Tuesday June 18th.
Monday, June 17 Canobie Lake
- Students will board buses at 8:15am
- Buses leave Bigelow at 9:00am
- Some of the water rides will be open. If your student plan to get wet, we suggest packing dry clothes to change into for the ride home.
- Each student will be given a $20 lunch voucher at the park
- Students will board buses at 2:30pm to return to Bigelow
- Buses leave Canobie Lake at 3:00pm
- Students will return to Bigelow by 4:00pm for dismissal
Tuesday, June 18 Level 99
- Students will board buses at 9:00am
- Buses leave Bigelow at 9:45am
- Students will have a pizza lunch at Level99
- Students will board buses at 1:30pm to return to Bigelow
- Buses leave Level99 at 2:00pm
- Students will return to Bigelow by 2:30pm for dismissal
Thursday, June 20
- Graduation rehearsal 9:00am-11:00am
- Community service – rock garden 12:00pm-1:00pm
- Ice cream truck at Burr Park 1:00pm – 2:25pm
Thursday, June 20 Evening Harbor Cruise – 6:00pm-8:30pm
- The boat starts boarding at 5:00pm and cruises at 6:00pm, make sure student does not arrive late.
- Parents will need to make sure their children have rides to Rowes Wharf at 60 Rowes Wharf in Boston. For more detailed drop-off instuctions, please see image below.
- If assistance with transportation is needed, reach out to shana.smythe@gmail.com immediately.
Friday, June 21 Graduation: 9:00am-10:15am in the gym with small treats after.
Enjoy the rest of the year and have a great summer!
Graduation Commitee

April 2024
Hello, Bigelow 8th grade families!
Below please find important information about 8th grade end-of-year events, activities, and important dates. Due to the NPS policy of no overnight trips this school year, the following are planned 8th grade year end activities.
June 17th: A Day at Canobie Lake Park in Salem, New Hampshire:
The students will be boarding school buses for Canobie Lake Park in the morning of Monday, June 17th for a full day of amusement park activities. This activity will be chaperoned and includes lunch at the park. Additional details will be provided before departure date. Your student should have a copy of the permission form attached below; please fill out and have your child hand in to their teachers.
June 18th: A Day at Level99 in Natick, Massachusetts:
The students will be boarding school buses for Level99 in the morning of Tuesday, June 18th for a day of social gaming in an indoor playground featuring over 50 real-world physical and mental challenges. This activity will be chaperoned and includes lunch at Levell99. Additional details will be provided before departure date. Your student should have a copy of the permission form attached below; please fill out and have your child hand in to their teachers. In addition, Level99 requires a waiver to be filled out online before admittance; please click the link below to sign for your child.
June 20th: Graduation Ceremony Rehearsal:
Students will rehearse for the graduation ceremony in the morning of June 20th.
June 20th: Community Service:
Students will work on a project to build a kindness rock garden in the atrium after the graduation ceremony rehearsal.
June 20th: Dinner Dance Cruise in Boston from 6-9pm:
This dinner dance cruise in Boston has been fun, enjoyable, and safe Bigelow tradition for 8th grade classes, and we are excited for our students to have this experience. The cruise will be chaperoned, and includes a full dinner, a DJ, and photo booth. Additional details will be provided before cruise date.
June 21th: Graduation from 9-10:15am: Additional details will be provided in the coming months.
Total cost for all activities: $320 per student by May 15, 2024 (Scholarships are available). If more convenient to make separate payments, please pay:
- $160 per student by May 15, 2024.
- $160 per student by May 30, 2024.
Payment can be made in one of the following ways:
- VENMO @BigelowPTONewton (last 4 digits of phone are 5953) – Please write “8th Grade Activities – Dinner Cruise and/or Canobie Lake and/or Level99” & your child’s name.
- CHECK Make check payable to “Bigelow PTO” and place it in an envelope. Please write “8th Grade Activities – Dinner Cruise and/or Canobie Lake and/or Level99” & your child’s name. Have your child hand in to their teachers.
If your 8th grader wants to join in on any/all of these activities and you are in need of financial assistance, please contact your student’s School Counselor Ms. Jessica Pierce or Ms. Coston.
- Ms. Pierce (School Counselor): piercej@newton.k12.ma.us
- Ms. Coston (Principal): costonc@newton.k12.ma.us
All students who wish to participate in these activities will be able to!
Though our 8th graders have hosted various fundraising activities during the school, we truly depend on donations to ensure all students, regardless of financial situation, can participate. If you’re able, please consider donating. No amount is too small. Donations can be made for scholarships for students in need of monetary support to participate in any or all 8th grade graduation activities.
Donations can be made in one of the following ways:
- VENMO @BigelowPTONewton (last 4 digits of phone are 5953) – Please write “8th Grade Activities – Donations”.
- CHECK Make check payable to “Bigelow PTO” and place it in an envelope. Please write “8th Grade Activities – Donations”. Have your child hand in to their teachers.
Questions? If you have any questions, please email: shana.smythe@gmail.com