Please Support Bigelow PTO!

Bigelow’s annual appeal is underway! Our goal is to raise at least $14,000 through the annual appeal this year.  We invite all families to contribute at a level they are comfortable with through

Funds raised by the PTO, thanks to your donations, are used to run events and programs that support our students, our teachers, and our school community.

How to Donate:

  • via Venmo @BigelowPTONewton
  • write a check and mail to Bigelow Middle School c/o PTO
  • via the website at

Please consider adding Bigelow PTO to your company’s annual donation matching program, if applicable. Bigelow Middle School PTO is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization. Tax ID #20-0348453. All donations are tax deductible to the extent of the law.