Category Archives: High Schools

Celebration of Queer Culture

Saturday, June 17, 10:00-2:30 p.m.

City Hall, War Memorial

The mission of the “Celebration of Queer Culture,” is to highlight and provide education for parts of queer culture that are usually erased or taken out of the spotlight.  In partnership with the City of Newton HHS, the Human Rights Commission, the Newton Youth Commission, Lasell University, and the New Art Center, we will highlight queer history, queer art and the intersectionality within the queer community. This will be achieved by celebrating with a queer art display, a community art project, a queer history presentation, a resource fair, a panel highlighting queer high schoolers of color, music, and more! This is an event created by young queer people that creates an informative and welcoming space where queerness is not just tolerated, but celebrated.

In addition to the event promotion, we are seeking young queer artists to showcase their talent as part of the event.   We want to include as many perspectives and as much artwork as possible.  If you could share this flyer as well, that would be great!

Artist Application Google Form:

Green School Connections

June 8, 4:30-5:30

The Countryside Green Team is hosting School Connections for our final meeting of the school year, next Thursday, June 8, 4:30 – 5:30 pm. Countryside is located at 191 Dedham St in Newton Highlands. We will meet at the raised garden bed to the left of the front entrance.

Click HERE for our Agenda.*** Important: Countryside does not have an indoor option. Please check your email if there is potential for inclement weather, as we may need to switch to a Zoom meeting. ***

Teen Study Nights at the Newton Free Library

Monday, June 12 – Wednesday, June 14

The library will be open late — until 11pm — during finals. We’ll have extra supplies on hand, and even more stuff in the Teen Area. There will be snacks!

Here are a list of activities each day:

  • On Monday, 6/12 at 3pm Officer Leo will greet students in the Teen Area.
  • On Tuesday, 6/13 at 4pm our typewriter poetry group will write motivational poems for teens studying on old-school typewriters.
  • On Wednesday, 6/14 at 5pm Officer Leo will be back in action in the Teen Area.

Charles River Aquatics Beginning Swim Lessons and Basic Water SafetyCharles River Aquatics 

Join CRA for Beginning Swim Lessons & Basic Water Safety!

Charles River Aquatics (CRA) has partnered with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) as a site for the 2023 Water Safety Initiative.  CRA will provide beginner swimming lessons with the goal of creating a safer environment for all patrons at public beaches and pools across the Commonwealth. 

At CRA, we believe that knowing how to swim is a basic life skill– one that everyone should have for safety and for fun.  CRA is offering 4 day crash courses* in Basic Water Safety June 5-29, 2023 to prepare for the summer season ahead.

The Water Safety Initiative lessons offered by CRA are funded with a grant from the DCR.  There is no cost to participants

This program is open to anyone age 4 and up.

Located at the Boston Sports Institute, 900 Worcester St., Wellesley

Dates:  June 5-8; 12-15; 19-22; 26-29

To Register:


*Note—This program is not designed as part of regular CRA Instructional Swim Programming and is not intended for those already enrolled in CRA lessons.  

Teen Photography Camp

(Extra)Ordinary Teen Photography Camp is a series of one-week summer workshops in New York City for teenagers, ages 14-18 years old, led by professional photographer and instructor Andrew French.

All levels of students from beginner to advanced will receive personalized instruction to inspire and guide their image making, visual storytelling, and technical skills in a fun, collaborative atmosphere. 

Each day will begin at Andrew French’s daylight studio in Union Square and include interactive in-class photography shoots and exercises, technical and creative lessons, guest artist visits, portfolio development, and field trips and photography shoots at inspiring locations and studios in New York City. Workshops will culminate in an exhibition and celebration of selected photographs for family and friends, showcasing each student’s best work from the week.

Click for more information and to register:

All That Jazz Dance Studio is now accepting registration for our summer and 2023-2024 school year classes

Register before June 2nd and take advantage of our Early Bird Promo- huge savings!  

Interested in learning more?  Attend our Spring Open House on Thursday, June 1st from 4:30-6:00, with Free Trial Classes for ages 2-7:

Or, feel free to contact Miss Deb Vogel, a local Newton parent, for more info:  617-641-0784 or

Join our thriving, supportive, all inclusive, non-competitive dance community today!

Community DPW Day in celebration of National Public Works Week, Saturday, May 20, 2023

The City of Newton Public Works Department is excited to host a Community DPW Day in celebration of National Public Works Week. We invite you to join us for an exciting event at the War Memorial at Newton City Hall on Saturday, May 20, 2023, from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. with a rain date of Sunday May 21st.

It is great day for families to enjoy games, prizes, music, a touch-a-truck event, food for purchase from a local restaurant, and learn about how Newton is “Connecting the World Through Public Works”. Did you know that Newton’s Department of Public Works (DPW) is comprised of eight divisions including Streets, Sustainable Materials Management, Fleet, Engineering, Transportation, and Utilities? DPW divisions will be sharing project success stories and fielding your questions.

You can also support local families dealing with food insecurity by donating non-perishable items that will help DPW Fill a Truck. All non-perishable items will be given to the Newton Food Pantry.

Supporting Communication:  A Mental Health Workshop for Teens & Parents

The City of Newton Health & Human Services Department, in partnership with Samaritans Inc., is hosting an in-person workshop for parents & teens titled, “Supporting Communication.” This program will be Wednesday, May 10th from 6:00-8:00 p.m. in the Druker Auditorium at the Newton Free Library. We will focus on the development of healthy communication between parents and teens, as it relates to mental health and stress, and encourage honest talk and active listening skills.

Supporting Communication:  A Mental Health Workshop for Teens & Parents

Date:  Wednesday, May 10, 6:00-8:00 p.m. (check in/refreshments 5:30 p.m.)

Location:  Newton Free Library, Druker Auditorium

The City of Newton Health & Human Services Department in partnership with the Newton Youth Commission, invite teens, parents and caregivers to a workshop led by Samaritans Inc. Join us for an evening to support the development of healthy communication by exploring feelings, and learning how to express them, practice honest talk and active listening and how to access resources and support.  

CLICK HERE to register.

Newton Family Singers: “Land of Hope and Dreams: The Music of Bruce Springsteen” on May 7

Join the Newton Family Singers on May 7th as we perform our favorite, family-friendly songs from throughout Springsteen’s career at our next concert: “Land of Hope and Dreams: The Music of Bruce Springsteen”.

The concert is at 4:00pm May 7th at Temple Beth Avodah, 45 Puddingstone Ln, Newton, MA. Tickets on sale now at the NFS website.

There are several kids from our Newton schools that will be performing at this event, singing songs from Bruce Springsteen.

This season, we’re partnering with Mothers’ Milk Bank Northeast,
a Newton based nonprofit providing donor milk to medically fragile infants
in hospital NICUs. The milk bank also provides donor milk to families in
our community who need a safe short-term feeding supplement for their
newborn. Show your support for premature and medically fragile babies by
donating to Mothers’ Milk Bank Northeast, and learn more about them at the show.