Author Archives: Bigelow PTO

Drop-Off & Pick-Up Reminders

For everyone’s safety, do not park on the left side of Vernon when droppping off or picking up. Also many people also need to be reminded to not cut the line and block people who were respectfully waiting for their turn to drop their child off.

Please find a reminder below of the 7 School Pick-Up and Drop-Off Line Rules as stated in the very humorous 2018 article The 7 rules parents must not break in the school drop-off line by Sarah Maizes:

“Rule #1: Do NOT get out of your car. Ever. Not to “quickly grab” your kid, wave “come on” to your child over the playground fence, or just say “hi” to your friend in line behind you to tell her how much fun you had at Girl’s Night Out. Stay in your car. And when the car in front of you moves, you move.

Rule #2: Put down the cellphone. Don’t text or type emails. Waiting for your kid in your empty (and wonderfully quiet) car seems like the perfect opportunity to catch up on work – but it’s also a distraction. People on their phones don’t notice the car in front of them has moved, and as we learned in Rule #1, you know what to do next. More importantly, it’s dangerous. People on their phones don’t see children darting out between cars to the parents breaking rule #3.

Rule #3: Don’t double park. Maybe you’re thinking “I’ll just pull up alongside this nice lady here and my kid can run out in front of her and jump in.” No. “But I see my kid right there!” Good. Then you can wave at them to meet you at the end of the line when you circle back around the block. Plus, it’s illegal.

Rule #4: DON’T cut the line. It doesn’t matter that there is a gap the size of the one in Lauren Hutton’s smile in front of that BMW ten cars up. We’re all waiting for them to get off their phone and move up (pop quiz: “What do you do when the car in front of you moves?”). Zipping into that gap is like cutting the line at a cupcake shop. You wouldn’t pull that $#*% at Sprinkles, would you?

Rule #5: Leave the PDA at home. You love your little one and want to send him on his way to school with a kiss. That’s lovely. You’re cute. But if little Johnny won’t get out of the car or he’s not ready to say “goodbye,” go park your car and walk him in. Even better? Install an ejector seat. People are waiting, folks.

Rule #6: The rules of the car drop-off lane apply to everybody no matter what kind of car you drive. So move your Maserati to the back of the line, dude. You’re giving the 1 percent a bad name.

Rule #7: Move swiftly. Once your kids locate you, get them into the car and get going. Don’t sit there in line and have the “how was your day?” discussion with them.

In short, a little politeness goes a long way in the car lane (and beyond). Remember, being behind the wheel of a car doesn’t make you invisible. We see you. We all see you. Including our children. So let’s try to set a good example. Now put the phone down… the car in front of you just moved up.”

Bigelow Annual Fund

Thanks to everyone that have already donated to the Bigelow Annual Fund goal!

As of today, we have raised $13,820. We are -$1,180 short of our goal of $15,000. If you have not yet donated, please consider doing so at and help us reach our goal for this school year! 

We are truly appreciative of our strong community of supporters, and we are excited for all the upcoming community events and programing support for our students. 

Something From Nothing: A History of Hip Hop, a virtual presentation from Corey DePina for 7th graders

Bigelow is excited to welcome back Corey DePina. In “Something from Nothing: A History of Hip Hop”, Corey will take students through the early history of hip hop and its four elements – MC-ing, DJ-ing, breakdancing and graffiti – to inspire them with the possibilities of creating something positive out of nothing. This virtual workshop will take place on January 21st at 9am and will features storytelling, rap performance, free-styling demonstration and activities that bring groups together to improvise beats verse or movement, adding in their own style and spin. Corey is a skilled rapper and workshop leader whose work as a facilitator for local and national non-profits and community centers has earned him numerous awards, including: the 2008 Good Neighbor Award from East Boston’s NOAH, the 2008 Community Leadership Award from Jamaica Plain’s Hyde Square Task Force, the 2011 National Arts and Humanities Youth Program Awards, President’s Committee on the Arts and the Humanities, and the 2014 Best Initiative, Best Youth Worker of the Year. He is also the Director of Programs for Zumix Boston.

Sponsored by Creative Arts & Sciences and the Bigelow PTO.

Thank you!

Thank you to the parents who donated  for the teachers and staff “Winter Warm Up” that took place on December 23rd. It was a big hit with the staff, and much needed warm treats on a cold day before break.

The PTO will also be holding a teacher luncheon in early February and an afternoon tea in late spring, more info coming up soon!

Happy Holidays!

We would like to wish all of our students, families, faculty, and staff a wonderful holiday season and a happy new year. Sending gratitude and heartfelt thanks this holiday season to everyone for supporting us to make Bigelow a stronger and supportive school environment.

-Gabriela Kroszynski, May Chen, Linda Gillespie, & Sukanya Ghosh (Bigelow PTO Officers)

Teacher & Staff Appreciation “Winter Warm-Up”

Dear Bigelow Families,

In the spirit of the winter holidays, we’d like to thank our Bigelow Teachers and Staff for their monumental efforts this year and to wish them a very happy holiday season. Together with Principal Coston, the PTO is hosting a “Winter Warm Up” on December 23rd. Details are still being finalized, but warm drinks and delicious food are on the menu for our amazing teachers and staff!

We will also be holding a teacher luncheon in early February and an afternoon tea in late spring. At this time, we’d like to ask for donations to the Teacher Appreciation Fund to help cover the costs of these three events. No donation is too small, and since catering costs have increased significantly since last year, all donations are so appreciated!

For all of you who love to cook and bake, we will have the opportunity to share our treats with the teachers and staff at the February event, so keep those recipes handy! 

Please consider donating here, and when you donate, please indicate “Teacher Appreciation” in the note field:

Venmo: @BigelowPTONewton

or Credit Card: $10$20 – $50

Warmest regards,

Susan St. Pierre, Karen Yee, and Charlene Gillespie

Teacher Appreciation Committee