Last Bigelow Notes of the 2021/2022

Dear Bigelow Community,

In our last Bigelow Notes of the 2021/2022 school year, we would like to thank all of you for your support and generosity over this past year as we continue to make school life normal again for the children.

A special thank you to all our amazing volunteers who worked tirelessly to make sure that PTO sponsored events were successful.

In particular, we would like to thank the following parents:

Sarah K. Lenz and Heather Thiessen Philbrook (Directory), Caryn Izhar (Creative Arts & Sciences), Kelly Qian (Back to School), Caryn Izhar, Caryn Lipchin, Susan Giunta (8th Grade Activities), Alexia Giannakopoulos & Julie Landesman (Big Night), Susan St. Pierre, Karen Yee and Charlene Gillespie (Teacher Appreciation), Shana Smythe, Charlene Gillespie, Carolyn Gillespie and Jill Twohig (Ten Tables), Giulia Guffanti (NewtonServes), Elizabeth Apgar (Bigelow Garden), Sarah Hirzel & Andrea Silver (PoPs), Margo Michael, Kori Urayana & Jeanne Choe-Arrieta (Bigelow FORJ), Phil Larimer (Safe Routes to School), Ileen Thelen (Green Newton School Connections), Jeanne Choe-Arrieta (METCO), and Brigette LaMarche (SEPAC) who time after time show up when we are in need of extra hands throughout the year.

Last but not least, we would like send our biggest  appreciation to Linda Gillespie (Treasurer) and Gwen Hautefeuille (Communications/Website) for their service to the Bigelow PTO during these last few years of uncertainties. You both have kept us going even on the most difficult of days!

We wish you all the very best for a very restful and healthy summer! Look for information over the summer for upcoming events and ways to be a part of the PTO. For those of you leaving Bigelow, we wish you all the best and hope our paths cross at Newton North.

Thank you again and Happy Summer!

Sincerely,Bigelow PTO Board