Morning Announcements

Did you know families can read the students morning announcements daily? They are available online on a Google Doc maintained by M. Swan, 8th Grade Social Studies teacher. A link to it is in the Bigelow PTO website, under Bigelow Links, on the right side bar.

To find out what announcements your student is hearing each morning during home base,  click here.

Note from M. Swan

Hello PTO! I am the 8th grade teacher who facilitates the AM announcements — making sure we have student announcers, proofreading announcements beforehand, and otherwise maintaining the GoogleDoc they read from.

This is a link to that GoogleDoc: Morning Announcements. Only specific Bigelow staff have editing access, but it can be viewed by anybody. You might include this in future PTO newsletters so parents can see what their children should be hearing about upcoming clubs.

Best wishes,
Andrew Swan