Category Archives: From the PTO

PTO Meeting with NPS Superintendent Nolin: Tuesday, January 23rd, 10-11 am

Join us on Tuesday, January 23rd at 10 am for a PTO meeting at Bigelow with Newton Public Schools Superintendent, Dr. Anna Nolin and members of the School Committee.

This is a great opportunity to learn about district initiatives and ask questions of our new superintendent and members of the school committee in a small group setting. You can submit questions to the PTO in advance (email and we will relay your questions at the meeting to cover a variety of topics and as many questions as possible during the hour.

Todd Harrison Cares Fund

This week, the Bigelow PTO used the Todd Harrison Cares Fund to help a Bigelow family with a child undergoing chemotherapy.

The Todd Harrison Cares Fund was founded in 2021 to honor Principal Todd Harrison’s retirement after 25 years of extraordinary and tireless service to the Bigelow community. This fund goes towards helping Bigelow students and families who are in need, and honors Mr. Harrison’s commitment and belief that all students deserve the same wonderful middle school experience.

Donations to the Todd Harrison Cares Fund can be made via:

  • Venmo (@BigelowPTONewton). If donating via Venmo please put “Todd Harrison Cares Fund” in the note field.
  • Check payable to Bigelow PTO delivered to the school. (Please specify “Todd Harrison Cares Fund”)
  • The PTO website:

Volunteer with Global Education Leadership Fund (GELF)

The Jennifer Price Global Education Leadership Fund (GELF), a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, ensures equitable access for students to participate in Newton Public Schools international education experiences by providing need-based global education financial aid to students whose families cannot afford the cost.

GELF opens international doors to students, many of whom have not left the United States, some of whom have never been on a plane and none of whom would be able to participate in these programs without financial aid.

GELF is looking for parents of rising 9th graders to join as board members or volunteers. Please contact Yixing (Star) Lew at if you are interested or have questions

Newton Neighbors is looking for volunteers

Want to help your neighbors but unable to commit to long term programs? Come and help out with some of the programs run by Newton Neighbors. Sign up for a day a month or multiple days a week, whatever fits your schedule! Involve your kids too!

Call for Volunteers: Food Pantry Delivery

We are looking for volunteers who can help deliver groceries from our local food pantries to our neighbors who are unable to get to the pantries on their own.
We especially need drivers for our TUESDAY deliveries from Centre Street Food Pantry.

Our schedule is:

  • Tuesdays from Centre Street Food Pantry. Pickup at either 12 or 12:15 before the pantry opens to the public.
  • Wednesdays from Newton Food Pantry. Scheduled pickups between 12:15 – 2:45.

It usually takes about an hour of your time and makes a big difference to so many in our community!

Sign up here for January.

Call for Volunteers: Newton Community Freedge 

Newton Neighbors continues to support the FreedgeNewton Food Pantry’s community refrigerator and pantry initiative. Located in the parking lot of Central Cleaners at 420 Watertown Street in Nonantum, the Freedge is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and offers free food and personal-care items to anyone in need. 

Newton Neighbors oversees volunteers on Thursdays and has volunteer opportunities throughout the day. Activities include picking up food from business partners and bringing it to the Freedge, shopping for items, and cleaning and maintaining the Freedge.

Our link for January signups is here.

TONIGHT! Join Bigelow PoPS! Thursday 1/11, 7-8:30 pm

Are you interested in supporting music and drama at Bigelow? Bigelow PoPS (Parents of Performing Arts Students) is for you!

Please join us for our next meeting (and first in-person meeting in a long time!) on Thursday, January 11th from 7-8:30 pm.

Bigelow PoPS January Meeting

  • Thursday, January 11th
  • 7-8:30 pm
  • 115 Waban Street (near Lincoln-Eliot Elementary)
  • Dessert and Refreshments will be served.

Please RSVP HERE so we know how many people to expect.

About Bigelow PoPS: The Bigelow PoPS (Parents of Performing Students) is a community of dedicated parents that supports the performing arts through advocacy, fundraising, coordination, and volunteering. Any parent or guardian who has a student in Orchestra, Chorus, Band, A Capella, or Drama is welcome and encouraged to participate in the PoPS and support our students and performing arts faculty.

Save the Date! PTO Meeting with NPS Superintendent Nolin: Tuesday, January 23rd, 10-11 am

Please save the date Tuesday, January 23rd at 10 am to join us for a PTO meeting at Bigelow with Newton Public Schools Superintendent, Dr. Anna Nolin and members of the School Committee.

This is a great opportunity to learn about district initiatives and ask questions of our new superintendent and members of the school committee in a small group setting.