Author Archives: Bigelow PTO

Newton Public Schools (NPS) Budget: Fiscal Year 2025

The NPS Budget season for Fiscal Year 2025 begins next week. Superintendent Nolin will present her budget recommendations to the School Committee over a series of meetings beginning next Wednesday, March 20th.

More information, including the school committee calendar and how to join meetings, can be found on the school committee website. Meeting materials are also posted before each meeting.

Walk, Ride & Roll to School: Wednesday March 20th

Celebrate the arrival of spring on March 20 with the Newton Public Schools “Goodbye Winter Hello Spring” Walk, Ride & Roll to School Day.  Enjoy time outside and with friends on the way to or from school, especially as the weather gets warmer and the days get longer!

As always, you can contact the Bigelow PTO at with any questions or concerns about getting to school safely.

You can find more information about walking or biking to school from Newton Safe Routes to School:

Thank You Hollywood Dance Party Volunteers!

Last Friday’s Hollywood Night Dance Party was a HUGE success!

Many thanks to Laura Goldworm for spearheading this fun event alongside the Dance Planning Committee: Kerri Vonnegut, Jillian Feinberg, Nisa Dailey, Chris West, Caitlin Cusick, and Kerry Curran.

Special thanks to Principal Coston, Student Council Advisor Mr. Leone, and Bigelow Custodians Al and Mike for all their help.

Finally, thank you to the MANY parents who volunteered at the dance: Federico Arellano, Nisa Dailey, Will Dailey, Maha Farhat, Jillian Feinberg, Ross Feinberg, Jen Foundas, Kristin Golden, Laura Goldworm, Maegen Hart, JJ Kazakoff-Eigen, Stacey Kazakoff-Eigen, Jen Magee, Nicole McDonald, Dave Morra, Ronda Morra, Rachanee Nelson, Aileen Pollard, Priya Radhakrishnan, Christine Reid, Carla Rodrigues, Joe Rodrigues, Alex Rolfe, Kerri Vonnegut, and Chris West.

Video 1 | Video 2 | Video 3 (cameo from Principal Coston!)

Rescheduled PTO Meeting with NPS Superintendent Nolin: Monday, March 11th @7pm

Please join us Monday, March 11th at 7 pm for a PTO meeting at Bigelow with Newton Public Schools Superintendent, Dr. Anna Nolin, and members of the School Committee.

This is an important opportunity to learn about district initiatives and priorities for the future of NPS and for Bigelow. The first half of the meeting will be a conversation with our new superintendent and school committee members. The second half of the meeting will focus on plans for the upcoming search for a new Principal at Bigelow.

Please feel free to email in advance with any questions you would like addressed or to RSVP so we know how many people to expect.

We look forward to a meaningful discussion with NPS leaders. Spread the word & bring a friend!

Hollywood Night Dance Party: Friday, March 1, 7-9 pm

The much anticipated Hollywood Night Dance Party is THIS Friday! Don’t miss out on this fun night!

Buy your tickets now!

Tickets are $10 and can be purchased by scanning the PTO’s Venmo QR code below. Please put “Dance” and your student’s name in the comments for the transaction.

Student council will also be selling tickets during lunch.

Parents/Guardians/Adults: It’s not too late to volunteer! Please CLICK HERE to sign up to help set-up, chaperone, and clean-up.*

*If you signed up for the original dance date of January 19th, please review the sign up via the link above and confirm that you can still volunteer for the designated time/role.

Save the Date! Rescheduled PTO Meeting with NPS Superintendent Nolin: Monday, March 11th @7pm

Please save the date Monday, March 11th at 7 pm to join us for a PTO meeting at Bigelow with Newton Public Schools Superintendent, Dr. Anna Nolin, and members of the School Committee.

This is a great opportunity to learn about district initiatives and ask questions of our new superintendent and members of the school committee in a small group setting.

Help Send Students to Summer Camp with Newton Neighbors

Did you know that many Newton school students who receive camp scholarships are unable to pay the 10-20% fees required to attend? Once we found this out in 2021, we started this program to bridge the scholarship gap for these students and their families. So far we have helped 80 students attend summer camp!

Camp matters!
We are committed to helping families and students reap the benefits of this time to learn, grow, and play.

Now we need You to Make A Difference
Our goal is to raise at least $10,000 and the good news is that we are off to a great start with a $2,500 donation from a Newton-based charitable trust! For as little as $80, you can help a student enjoy a week of camp at one of Newton’s Parks and Recreation programs.Please help us to reach our goal.You can make your tax-deductible contribution by clicking here.

Camp 2024 here we come!