YOUR HELP NEEDED to plan the Big Night on Feb 4th

WE CAN NOT DO IT WITHOUT YOUR HELP!!  We have big and small tasks available, so please come to learn more about getting involved.  And it is a great way to meet other Bigelow parents.

The NEW date for this meeting is Thursday February 4th.  Please consider joining in to plan our biggest parent social event of the year!  We can NOT do it without your help.

When and Where:  Thursday February 4th,  7-8:30 pm at 5 Channing Road– Drinks and snacks provided!

Last year’s Big Night was one of our most successful and fun ever ~ great food, music and dancing, a wonderful venue and lots of auction items!!  This year we are planning the event on May 14th at the Commander’s Mansion in Watertown.  Please come to learn more and to be a part of the planning for this fun event–we need lots of volunteers to help make it a success!

Please RSVP to Beth ( so we know how many people to plan for.  We look forward to seeing you!

Tammy McKenna and Beth Panella, Big Night Co-Chairs

If you are unable to attend this meeting but are interested in volunteering in any capacity for the Big Night, please email Beth.

The PTO Board would like to thank Beth and Tammy for co chairing this event again this year!!