April School Health Newsletter

April 2014 School Health Newsletter
        Newton’s school nurses are a part of the Health & Human Services Department, and during National Public Health Week, April 7 to 13, we would like to share a few stay healthy tips.
1. Healthy Eating- Choose plenty of fruits and veggies, whole grains, and low fat dairy.  Select lean meats (poultry, fish) and beans for protein.  Be sure to watch serving sizes! Eating together as a family when possible is a great way to develop good habits together. Ideas for fun, healthy, kid-friendly recipes can be found at www.chopchopmag.org.
2.  Exercise- Exercising as a family can be fun for parents and kids.  Jumping rope, playing soccer, swimming, and dancing are ways you can enjoy physical activity together.  Exercising can help strengthen bones, reduce blood pressure, reduce stress and anxiety, increase self-esteem, and help with weight management. And remember, it doesn’t have to be scheduled, a spontaneous dance party in the living room does wonders for the body!
3.   Hand washing- Germs can get on to your hands from almost everything you touch.  Teach children to wash their hands after using the toilet, before and after eating and any other time during the day when they look or feel dirty. Modeling this behavior yourself is a great way for children to learn and keep the whole family healthy.
4.  Be prepared- Emergencies can happen any day at any time.  Keep your family prepared with an emergency supply kit in your home with enough of “the basics” that will last you at least three days. And make sure you and your children have a paper list of important phone numbers and addresses in your backpack, purse or wallet so everyone can get in touch easily. For more information, visit www.ready.gov.
Join the Social Media Scavenger Hunt to celebrate Public Health Week!
Follow us on Twitter (@NewtonHealth) or check us out on Facebook (Newton Health and Human Services) to follow the scavenger hunt.  To participate, respond to clues provided by various Newton organizations via Twitter or on the HHS Facebook page. The scavenger hunt will run from Monday, April 7th to Friday, April 11th and all participants will be entered into a raffle to win one of two great prizes, yoga classes or a massage.

Stay Healthy,
