City of Newton needs parent/guardian input on transportation to school

Survey on How Students Get To and From School

The City of Newton and the Safe Routes to School Task Force is collecting data on how children get to and from school and why these choices are made. Your input it critical to help the city to form policies and transportation options in the coming years as well as address current issues.
The survey is designed with specific questions geared towards each school level (elementary, middle and high school).  The survey will take less than 5 minutes for each school you are responding about.  For parents with children at more than one school at the same level  (such as having one child at Day and one at Bigelow), you are invited to complete a second survey for that child.
Please go to :  to complete the survey.
Responses are anonymous.  Results by school and summary information will be made available to each school to publish.
If you have any questions, concern or other information you would like to share on school transportation, please email Alicia Bowman: