Exchange Oppurtunity

Dear Mr./Ms.,

Our 12 year old niece wants to come for 1 year to a Newton middle school and live with a local family during the next academic year or during the following year.  Alejandra is from Madrid, Spain, and she has a 10 year old younger sister. Her two parents, Alfredo and Teresa, will provide for all of her living expenses while in the US.

Alfredo and Teresa will be happy to welcome a US student for a year in their home in Madrid Spain, whenever would be convenient for the student.

They are both lawyers, he is working in a big consulting company in Madrid, she teaches dancing.

We are Beatriz and Matan, Alejandra´s aunt and uncle, and researchers at Harvard University.

 We are looking for a local family interested in hosting Alejandra. 

Please give me a call or send us an email if you are interested or curious.

Telephone: 617-794-7489  Email:

Best regards,

Beatriz and Matan