Teen Summer Program Expo

Newton South High School again hosts the annual Teen Summer Program Expo on February 3rd in the cafeteria. Admission is free.

If your teenager needs an enriching and rewarding summer experience, don’t miss this great opportunity to meet personally with directors of more than 80 of the best summer programs in both the U.S. and abroad. There is a wide variety of programs in locations all over the world and at every budget level, including academic enrichment, adventure travel, community service, environmental and ecology, internships, intensive sport instruction, language immersion, arts/theatre/music, college prep and gap year programs.

The Expo can help you efficiently cut through the overwhelming amount of information online and make an informed decision about programming, safety, and supervision. Bring friends if your kids want to find a program together! For more information contact Laura@CampSourceNetwork.com or call 617-244-3316.

February 3rd from 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm

Newton South High School cafeteria
Snow date will be Tuesday, February 4