FINAL TURN IN DAY for the Magazine Drive, Tues Dec 10

Tuesday December 6 is the final turn in / order day for the Magazine Drive.   Paper order forms can be turned in during lunch and you can order on line until midnight.
Your child will have a chance to earn a prize at the prize table.  Help Bigelow and a family in need by turning in 2 orders.  With 2 orders you send a baby chick to a family in need in Bangladesh giving them food or a means to earn money (selling the eggs, selling the chicken).  
Bigelow receives 40% from each order.  The money raised will support school field trips and other student / school needs.
Online orders earn double credit for prizes.   Click here  for more information.
Bigelow Middle School will not get any funds, when you use  renewal mailers. Only when renewing as follows will Bigelow get the 40 % of your subscription price paid:
  1. Either online via (new website of Great American Opportunities, which QSP is now part of), school/organization online ID 2637080, check the box “renewal”, (payment by credit card),
  2. or through your student from the catalog with the paper order forms that came home on November 22, 2013, check the box “renewal” (cash, or checks made out to Bigelow PTO).
If you would like to convert a regular magazine subscription to a digital magazine subscription (there are 53 magazines available in a digital format), you will be ordering them as a new subscription in one of the two ways outlined above.
Thank you for your support!!
Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Lauri Perry (magazine chair) at