Soup and Supper Stroll – THANK YOU!!

A huge thank you to everyone who participated in this year’s Soup and Supper Stroll!  It was a great evening and together we raised close to $4,000, that will go towards enhancing our children’s educational experience.  We hope everyone that joined us for the evening was able to reconnect with old friends and make some new ones, while building community spirit.

A special thank you to our hosts for the evening.  You generously opened your homes to other Bigelow families and provided a special dining experience.  Without you, this evening would not exist.  Our hosts this year included:

  • Scott Gortikov and Ross Ozer
  • Lynda and Jay Schwartz
  • Lydia Davis and James Braithwaite
  • Heather Alker and Dave Teszler
  • Laurie Halloran with Michelle Sparks and Alison Leary
  • Michele and David Baxter
  • Veronique and Ivan Kugener
  • Becky Searles and Sean McNally
  • Linda and Bill McLaughlin

And thank you to Tullia and Bruno Visco for wrapping our evening up in style with a wonderful dessert party.

Again, THANK YOU to all that participated and made the evening such a success!!

Your event co-chairs, Jacquie and Carolyn