8th Grade Fundraising Committee looking for Volunteers. Meeting on Nov 5th

Dear Bigelow 8th Grade Parents,

 We’d like to thank all the parents who donated to the Halloween Dance- your gift cards, toilet paper and  goodies for our gift baskets really helped make the event special for the 8th graders. They raised $267 from raffle sales.

Alicia Matos and I would like to invite you to attend a Volunteer Meeting for our 8th Grade Fundraising Committee on Tuesday, Nov 5th from 6:30-8:00.  Meeting will be held at Alicia Matos’ home, 619 Washington Street. Drinks and Snacks will be served.

As mentioned in our previous email, our kids have an exciting year of events and activities ahead of them. Funding these activities can get very costly, and our goal is to help defray the out of pocket expenses for parents by hosting fundraising events and applying for sponsorship support from local businesses. We want to involve our school community, and the greater Newton community to help us raise funds.  We’ll review our budget, fundraising events and goals and form committees to get our projects up and running.

 We understand time is precious for all;  we are all juggling work and family. Anything you can do to help and pitch in would make a  big difference.  Many hands makes for a lighter load. Consider offering your  time and talent- we could really use our help. It’s a great way to get to know more parents and hopefully, we’ll have fun doing things for our kids.

Please let us know if you can attend the meeting. RSVP to Melanie Varady at melvarady@gmail.com by Nov 2ndso we can plan for the meeting. We look forward to getting to know you, and hope to see parent friends whom we’ve worked with in the past.

Save the Date: Turkey Bowl, a flag football game between 8th graders and Bigelow teachers and staff is scheduled for Friday, Nov 15th after school.  Parent volunteers needed. We also need food donations- pre-packaged snacks, cookies, candy and hot chocolate.

Many thanks for your support.


Alicia Matos and Melanie Varady

8th Grade Fundraising Coordinators