8th Grade Car Wash Results and Thank you

Drumroll-…. and the grand total is…$563!!  Thank you to all the 8th graders who participated in this
fun-rasing event!! You definitely worked very hard to raise this money but it was clear you also had so much fun getting wet and working together. Kudos to all!

This event could not have happened without the help of our team:

Thank you to Mr. K  for getting the kids to sign up, for supervising the team and making sure that the cars were clean.

A big thanks to our Principal,  Mr. Harrison for helping wash cars! The team washed 55 cars!!

Many thanks to Heather Kelly, Ashlyn Kelly and the 8th Grade friends who made our Car Wash signs.

We’re grateful to Diane Collins, Christine’s mom for getting the car wash supplies from Swartz Hardware.

Many thanks to all the parents who sent in goodies for the Bake Sale.

Much appreciation goes to  Heather, Alanya and Nilson for staffing the Car Wash!

Lastly, thanks to all the Bigelow parents, families and friends who came and got their cars washed to support the fundraiser!