Hello and Welcome to the Bigelow School Community

We hope you enjoyed your Labor Day weekend and your children are off to a great start of the school year.  We are looking forward to a productive and exciting year at Bigelow.

A few notes to start our the school year:

PTO communications are electronic.  Email newsletters are planned to go out on Sunday and Tuesday evenings.  They are a great way of keeping up with what is happening at Bigelow for you and your children.  If you know someone who is not receiving these email newsletters, please have them go to the web site to sign up.  There is also lots of information on our website at www.bigelowpto.org. On the website, you will find a calendar with information of student activities and events for parents / guardians.

Please plan on joining us for a School Wide Welcome Back Picnic on Tuesday, September 10 from 5:30 – 7:30 in Burr Park.  It is a great way to catch up with old friends and meet new ones.  Bring dinner and blanket.

In the next week or so, you will be receiving an email to confirm you families’ information for the Bigelow directory.  Please review and confirm your information so we have it correct in the directory.

Please feel free to contact us at any time during the school year at bigelowbulldog@gmail.com

We look forward to working with the Bigelow School Community this year.

Thank you,

Julie Bourgoin and Carolyn Judge
Bigelow PTO Co-Presidents