Help Needed to Assemble School Kidz – August 19th

Hello Bigelow friends,

If you are in town on Monday, August 19 and have some time to spare, we could really use your help. Pre-ordered SchoolKidz will be arriving soon and volunteers are needed to assemble the kits. Whether your schedule allows for you to stop by for 30 minutes or a couple of hours, your help would be much appreciated. Alicia Herbert will have everything set up in the Bigelow cafeteria at 10:00 a.m. and plans to finish around noon. Please call or text Alicia at 857-417-2860 to volunteer. (Thank you, Alicia, for taking on this task!)

Thank you and we hope you are having a fabulous summer!


Julie Bourgoin and Carolyn Judge

Bigelow PTO Co-Presidents