Concerned about students’ use of technology? Join the PTO on May 8!

Children, Teens, and Technology

Rules of Engagment: Are There Any?

Wednesday, May 8, 7-8:15 p.m.

Newton North High School auditorium

Light refreshments

Co-sponsored by the PTOs from Bigelow, Cabot, Day, Peirce, Newton North, and by The Newton Partnership

The speaker, Dr. Michael Rich, is a pediatrician and director of the Center on Media and Child Health at Children’s Hospital, Boston. His research explores the positive and negative effects of technology (computer, television, cellphones, etc.) on children and teens. Join us as Dr. Rich discusses

  • Strategies and tips to manage children’s use of technology
  • How to fight the “crowd” mentality
  • Addictive nature of technology as it relates to children with attention issues
  • Impact of violence and inappropriate content on child development

For more information, go to