Frozen Cookie Dough Order Pick-Up this Wednesday, March 27, 2013 – mark your calendar!!!!

First a big thank you to all the students and parents who sent in their orders for cookie dough. We sold over $5,000 worth of Cookie Dough raising just over $2,000 for the Cyndi Daily-Smith and Howard B. Smith Scholarship Fund!

All orders for the frozen cookie dough must be picked up in the school cafeteria this Wednesday, March 27, 2013, between 2:45 and 4:30 pm. Small orders can be taken home by the students, larger ones need to be picked up by an adult. Please make arrangements accordingly!

Any orders which do not get picked up will remain at the school until the next day. After that, they will be donated (the school will be closed on Friday). Please make sure that your orders get picked up on Wednesday. Thank you!

And thank you for participating in this fundraiser!

Any questions: Berit Ramseier at, or Marian McDonagh at (617) 332-5504 /