Remember to Vote on March 12th

Don’t Forget to Vote Yes Yes Yes in March 12 Special Election

On March 12, Newton voters will weigh in on an override proposal that is critical to the future of Newton and particularly to Newton’s schools.  The 3-question override package includes $4.5 million dollars to address dramatic student enrollment growth, plus funding to renovate or rebuild and expand Newton’s oldest and severely crowded schools.

In the past decade, Newton’s student population has increased by about 1,000 students and 850+ more are projected over the next five years.  Schools are bursting at the seams.  Question 1 on the March 12 ballot will provide funding to renovate/rebuild and expand the Zervas School, provide modulars for Bowen, Burr, Horace Mann and Mason Rice, and hire additional teachers for the growing student population at all grade levels throughout the district. 

Questions 2 and 3 on the ballot will provide funding to enable the rebuilding/renovation and expansion of the antiquated and overcrowded Angier and Cabot—Newton’s oldest school buildings—which the Massachusetts School Building Authority has named among the 30 worst in the state for building condition. Money currently lost on high energy costs and major repairs from these schools can be diverted to other schools.  In addition, the expansion of the centrally located Angier, Cabot and Zervas schools will ease the population pressure on surrounding schools throughout Newton. If the overrides pass, Newton stands to receive about $27 million in state reimbursement for the projects.

If you plan to be out of town on the March 12, you can vote before Election Day at the Newton Election Commission, 1st floor of City Hall.  Mark your calendars and don’t forget to vote YES YES YES on March 12.