Yoga classes for teens and pre-teens

Pre-teen/Teen Yoga

Yoga is a great tool to help pre-teens and teenagers develop healthy relationships with their bodies, as well as to help them feel empowered to make good decisions and manage the stress in their busy lives.  Yoga buillds strength, flexibility, and focus in the mind as well as the body.  

Down Under Yoga’s Christyn Schroeder is teaching a yoga class for kids ages 10-16 in Waban Thursdays from 7:00-8:00 pm starting January 31.  May start anytime, pro-rated for number of classes taken.

Dates:  Jan 31, Feb 7, 14, 28, March 7, 14, 27
No class February 21, March 21
Cost is $126 for 7 classes

For more information and class location, email Didi von Deck.