THIS TUES – 8th Grade Activities Planning Meeting PLEASE RSVP

To all 8th Grade Parents / Guardians:

From the 8th Grade Car Wash to the NYC / Quebec City Trips to Graduation, it’s going to be a great spring for our 8th graders!

Please join us to learn about 8th grade year end activities and help plan them.  Many hands make for a lighter load. Consider offering your  time and talent- we could really use your help. It’s also great way to get to know more Bigelow parents.  We’ll have refreshments and light snacks.  

When: Tuesday, February 2nd, 7:00-8:30pm

Where: 6 Merton Street

RSVP: to Jennifer or Debbie at

Contact our 8th Grade Activities Co Chairs: Jennifer Hrycysyzyn ( or Debbie Ruiz ( with questions or for more information. Hope to see you on Feb 2nd!