Bridge Club Starts Tomorrow 10/5

Would you like your son or daughter to learn a game that, studies have shown, will improve their academic performance?  And is also enjoyed by just about everyone who has learned the game?  And where the club meetings include free snacks?

If you answered “yes”, then talk to your son or daughter about joining the Bigelow Bridge Club.  This fall, Jeff Lehman, the parent of four Bigelow alumni, will be teaching participating students how to play the card game of bridge.  Math teacher extraordinaire Sue Mortimer will be the faculty advisor.

The first club meeting will be on Monday, October 5, from 2:50 pm to 3:50 pm in Room 108.  Meetings will continue each Monday that school is in session.  Instruction, supplies, and snacks are free.

Click here for more information

Please contact Jeff Lehman at 617-332-2134 or at with any questions.