Winter Warm-Up Appreciation Lunch

On Tuesday, Bigelow teachers and staff were treated to a “Winter Warm-Up” lunch of a variety of soups, salads, and breads to help show our appreciation for all they do for our students and our school community.

Many thanks to Shana Smythe, Hai Ly, Sara Wantman, Sarah Lenz, Nicole McDonald, Jenny Rosenthal, Kerri Vonnegut, Ileen Thelen, Caitlin Cusick, Jillian Feinberg, and Laura Goldworm for lending crockpots and donating soup, salad, and bread.

Thank you to Bertucci’s in Newton Corner for donating salad, and to Nicole McDonald for coordinating.

And a big thanks to Lanni Harris and Ron Farrar for the set up and clean up!