Bigelow Family in Need

Last month we shared that a family in our community is in need of support. The father of a Bigelow 7th grader is currently undergoing treatment for Stage 4 pancreatic cancer. In addition to the physical and emotional toll this diagnosis presents, the family is facing financial stress due to mounting medical bills not covered by insurance and by being unable to work.

This family continues to face the challenges of this health crisis. A Go Fund Me campaign has been established to help alleviate some of the financial strain this family is facing so they can focus on fighting this cancer. Donations will directly support medical bills and the family’s day-to-day needs. A portion of the funds will also be allocated to a 529b fund for their 7th grader’s educational needs.

You can read more and make a donation through the Go Fund Me link. Any contribution to help support this family would be greatly appreciated.

As always, we are grateful for the generosity of the Bigelow community.