FUEL Supplemental Food Program

The FUEL Project is a food assistance program offered at Bigelow for the past 5 years, courtesy of volunteers at the Church of the Redeemer in Chestnut Hill. To help alleviate food insecurity, FUEL provides weekend food for students in need. Non-perishable food is delivered to the school weekly in unidentifiable paper or plastic bags. 

Each participating child is called down to the nurse’s office individually to maintain confidentiality. If a child is unable and unwilling to bring the food home, the parent is given the opportunity to arrange for a weekly pick up here at school. 

This program is completely voluntary and confidential. The nurse and guidance counselors are the only ones who know who is receiving weekly food bags. Please contact Bigelow’s School Nurse Sue Schy (schys@newton.k12.ma.us), or your child’s school counselor if you are interested.