Todd Harrison Cares Fund Update

Dear Bigelow Community: 

We would like to express our sincere gratitude of how generous and quickly the Bigelow community reacted to our most recent call for assistance for a Bigelow family in need. To date, we have received $9217 in total donations from the community to the Todd Harrison Cares Fund for this family. $2000 of the funds have been used by the family to secure safe housing. 

The remaining donated funds will be distributed equally amongst 4 other Bigelow families that have come to our attention as being in a similar situation of housing insecurity. While they are protected under the McKinney-Vento Act, we as a community still wanted to ensure they had the living resources they need. These series of unfortunate events have brought to light how many in our Bigelow community, especially those with young children, are silently but desperately in need of assistance. Therefore, we will continue to partner with our amazing Bigelow School Counselors and NPS ELL social worker to stay in touch with these families to make sure they have sufficient support, and identify any additional members of the Bigelow community with dire needs.  

Over these last 2 years, we have been able to quickly and efficiently respond via your donations to the Todd Harrison Cares Fund. We are very grateful for your support and will continue to develop our partnerships so we can aid any members of our community when needed. If you are interested in continuing to support our effort via the Todd Harrison Cares Fund, please donate through Venmo ( @BigelowPTONewton ) or through the PTO website

In the fall, we will have a PTO meeting with the district ELL social worker, Bigelow counseling team, and the Bigelow community to learn and get educated on how we can help our community in need.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts! 


Bigelow PTO Board