Full return of all in-person students, beginning April 28

From Todd Harrison, Bigelow Principal:

Our planning for the full return of all in-person students, beginning April 28, is now in high gear.  We look forward to having all in-person students back in the building soon!

If you are interested in changing your child’s learning model for this final phase of the school year, you may do so.  You will receive a google form with a personalized link for each middle school child early next week to indicate if you want to make a change.  This form is totally optional.  You only need to return it if you want to change your child’s learning model from distance to in-person, or from in-person to distance.  The deadline to return this optional form is Sunday, April 4.  We will hold an optional information meeting for all parents on Tuesday evening, March 30, about the plan for having all in-person students in the building. More details to come.