Bigelow Principal Search – Meeting with Superintendent

From the Superintendent’s office: 

Dear Bigelow Families,

As you are aware, Todd Harrison is retiring at the end of the school year after 25 years of distinguished service at Bigelow, 17 of which have been as principal. I know that Todd has cherished his time at Bigelow and his passion for the job remains unwavering. He is deeply committed to ensuring that the school focuses on both the academic and social and emotional needs of students, and that commitment has continued during this incredibly challenging year. Todd’s positive and engaging style has been a constant source of comfort for generations of Bigelow students and families.

It is now time to begin a search for a new principal for Bigelow. Selecting a principal is one of the most critical decisions made by a superintendent. Principals are expected to provide excellent educational leadership, establish a positive school culture, and manage the daily operation of the building. Since the principal’s position impacts the entire school community, it is important that the process provide an opportunity to solicit feedback from a range of stakeholders, including parents/guardians and families. The principal search process that we are about to enter will include opportunities for parents to provide input, serve on a Selection Advisory Committee (SAC), and meet finalists as they visit the school.

Please join me on Wednesday, February 3 at 7:00 p.m. for a discussion on the principal search. I will review the process and timeline for selecting a principal and explain how you may be directly involved in the search process.

Zoom Link:

I look forward to working with you to secure an excellent new leader for Bigelow.


David Fleishman
Superintendent of Schools