7th Annual Sharon Math and Science Tournament – March 27th, 2021

The 7th Annual Sharon Math and Science Tournament (SMST) will take place on Saturday, March 27th, 2021 from 1 pm to 6 pm EDT on Zoom for a day of friendly competition, problem-solving, exciting lab demonstrations, and an interactive design challenge!.

Students in grades 6-8 may sign up as a team of 4 to 6, or as individuals, where they will be assigned to a team for the day of the competition.

Organized by a team of high school students at Sharon High School, SMST seeks to foster passion for STEM through collaboration and critical thinking, especially in a year like this. Since this year’s tournament will be held remotely, we’re excited to attract and host schools from all around Massachusetts and New England!

Registration deadline is March 11th.To register or find out more, visit our website at https://sharonmathscitourn.wixsite.com/smst.

Questions? Please contact Julia Zelevinsky, Sharon Math and Science Tournament Director at smst.sharonschools@gmail.com.