Change in nurse’s phone number

From the Bigelow nurse’s office

Dear Bigelow families,

I now have only one phone number associated with my office and voicemail attached to that number.  My new number is (617) 559-6819.  Please write that number down if you need to get a hold of me directly as an exchange from the City of Newton comes up on caller ID.

One of the reasons for the change and just a reminder to all parents.  I have hearing loss in both ears and use a cochlear implant and hearing aid to help me hear. Generally, I do fine on the phone and have an app on my own cell phone that will help me caption voices, if necessary.  However, please be patient and speak slowly.  If I don’t appear to be understanding, rephrasing what you are trying to say to me often helps.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out by phone or email.

Sue Schy, RN, MSN
Bigelow School Nurse
T (617) 559-6819
F (617) 552-7752