Student Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Bigelow 3.0

Q: How will I get the weekly schedule?
For now, at the beginning of each week you and your parents will get an email through Aspen and Schoology with your schedule and assignments.  In the near future, you will also soon receive them through your new student school gmail account.

Q:Are there going to be specific blocks of time where it is a class?
There will be no “class”, just office hours during the week for all of your classes. 

Q: What does “directed learning” mean?
Directed learning” are the tasks and assignments that teachers provide for you and that you will complete independently as best that you can each week.

Q: How can we see our office hours?
ALL office hours are on your schedule. Links to them,  including to the Weekly Preview on Monday morning, will be posted on the weekly activities template that you will receive each week.

Q: What time do we have to eat?:
Whenever you are hungry, but be mindful of your schedule and responsibilities.

More questions and answers at: Student Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Bigelow 3.0

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