Message from the Bigelow counseling staff

Dear Bigelow Students, Family, and Community,

We miss you all! We have been thinking about what we can offer to help us all stay connected and to support us all in this new, unfamiliar time.

We have created a page on the Bigelow Counseling website as a place for you to find different kinds of resources to help guide and support you over these weeks and beyond. We tried to fill it with a mix of practical resources, ideas for taking care of your mental and emotional health, and some fun things to do while you’re socially distancing at home.

Even though we can’t see you at school, we are still checking our email and voicemail. Please reach out if you feel like checking in would be helpful. We will try to update this page with new information over the next few weeks so check back and let us know what other content you’d like to see.

Meanwhile, keep your distance, wash your hands, stay (virtually) connected with others and take care of yourselves!

Wishing you good health and comfort,

Dr. J, Ms. Pierce, Ms. MacNeil, Ms. Reddick, Ms. Morrow, Ms. Capoccia

Calming Strategies

Ideas for self-care

More at: Bigelow Counseling website