Distance Learning: April 5 Parent Meeting on Google.Meet

TONIGHT: Meetings for parents on the new distance learning plan at Bigelow that begins Monday, April 6. Norms for this large gathering: Video Conferencing Etiquette

Sunday, April 5, 7:00-8:00pm
Clusters 6A, 6B, and 7C: meet.google.com/tvr-fvqo-vny

Sunday, April 5, 8:15-9:15pm 
Clusters 7D, 8E, and 8F:  meet.google.com/vka-imwh-heg

Materials that I will be presented tonight:

Please record any questions you have after the meeting in the Bigelow Parent Meeting Parking Lot, and you will receive a response emailed to you: Parent Meeting Parking Lot

Tonight’s sessions are for parents only. Students will view “Mr Harrison’s Message,” a 3-part screencast of the student powerpoint, on Monday morning.