What is idling and why does it matter?

You may have noticed the new Blue Zone signs at your school with the red “No Idling Per State Law” addition.  Vehicle idling is when a driver leaves a vehicle running while it is parked. Idling increases the amount of harmful emissions a vehicle produces. Vehicle emissions are more concentrated at ground level where kids are standing—and breathing.

Children breathe more air per pound of body weight than do adults. For this reason, they take in proportionately higher “doses” of any pollutants, which enter their lungs and, in some cases, bloodstream. Children are more biologically vulnerable to pollution from idling vehicles and the child with the highest exposure to pollutants may be your own; in a line of idling vehicles, pollutant levels may also be elevated inside your vehicle as well as outside.

What can you do to protect your child’s health? For parents and caregivers at arrival and dismissal, it’s simple. If you will be waiting for more than 10 seconds, turn off the engine.
Remind other drivers to do the same.

Check out the flyer No Idling.

Brought to you by Newton Safe Routes to School
For more information, email newtonsaferoutes@gmail.com or visit https://www.facebook.com/NewtonSafeRoutes/