THANK YOU – Supper Supper Stroll Hosts and Guests!

Dear Stroll Hosts and Guests,

We hope you found yourselves in great company and enjoyed a lovely dinner yesterday! We thank each of you for your generosity, graciousness and support. The Stroll is one of the most important fundraising events of the year and your contributions will ensure that great programs and initiatives in and out of the classroom at Bigelow will never be hampered by a lack of funding!

This evening could not have happened without the incredible hospitality of our hosts: Ellen Waldorf, Roberta and Marc Laredo, Dinora and Ian Justice, Lex Van der Ploeg and Mary Lee Gwo-Shu, Krista and Bart Corr, Joana Canedo and Jason Dyett, Nicole von Rekowsky, Claire and Christof Marre, OC Manos and Sharon Eilon! And we are especially grateful to James Bryant and Stuart Sadick for opening their home to such a large group of people (who are no longer strangers, we hope).

With gratitude and best wishes,
Jessie Gilmartin and Anush Sahakian (and on behalf of your PTO Board)