What a night it was! Saturday evening’s Bigelow Speakeasy is in the books!!  Bigelow parents, guardians, friends, teachers and staff munched on great food, sipped the Bigelow Breeze, learned a little swing dancing, bid on great items and most importantly, reconnected with old friends and met new ones. The event raised mucho dinero — close to $11,000— which will go towards curriculum-enriching programs such as the Creative Arts and Sciences, student scholarships, school grounds upkeep, classroom supplies, as well as gym and technology items not covered by the regular school budget.

MANY THANKS to all who attended and to the people and businesses who donated goods, services as well as their time and talents to make our Big Night a great night.

Specifically, thank you to:

  • Our wonderful dynamic duo, co chairs ~ Tammy McKenna and Beth Panella ~ who worked long hours to bring a great concept to fruition.  Rumor has it, they have signed up to run this again next year!!
  • The other Big Night Committee members for their time and energy to make the whole night come together. They are: Alison Leary, Anush Sahakian, Carolyn Judge, Jacquie Arbuckle,  Jade Watson, Jesene Godfrey, Kyra Mercado, Lex Van der Ploeg and Maria Sullivan
  • The wonderful Bigelow staff who donated one-of -a-kind items to the auction:  Jaime Alberts, Felicia Calabria, Christopher Campbell, Joe Eckstrom, Mary Fitzgerald, Jie Gao, Todd Harrison, Martin Kaufman, Kim LeQuire, Meghan Martin, Kyra Mercado, Michele Parker, Jess Parlon, Bill Prendergast and Patty Summa.
  • The volunteers who helped make the evening flawless: Tricia Kouroriez, Mary Gwo-Shu, Claire Marre, Don McKenna, Joanne Tsao, Christine Elder, Rob White, Joe Pittelli, George Brunson, our photograper and Alex Mercado, our bouncer.  
  • The local companies who donated or gave us discounts on delectable food, thirst-quenching beverages and various other things: Antoine’s Pastry Shop, Berkshire Mountain DistilleriesSensational Foods ,  La Bonne Maison,  BG Events & Catering,   Bakers’ Best El Pelon Taqueria,  Gordon’s Fine Wines and Liquors, Russo’s, Home Depot of Watertown, Peterson Party Center, Stop and Shop, Watertown and Premier Bartending Services.  Please frequent these businesses and use their services!
  • The many businesses and organizations who donated items to our silent auction. For a complete list, click here: Please support them!
  • To anyone else who contributed to the evening who we forgot to list. Our apologies!

    The wonderful food


    The Newton North Jazz Band


    Luckily Todd knew the password so our bouncer let him in.


    The entrance to the Bigelow Speakeasy