Summer Internships for Newton South Students

Did you know that colleges are interested in students who have an in-depth academic interest or talent? For the last 11 years, Internship Connection, an educational, school-to-career program has provided high school and college students, ages 16-23, with “real-world” work experience through Summer or Gap Year Internships in Boston.

Students are able to live at home and work a part-time flexible schedule, leaving time for other activities. Summer internships take place over a 6-8 week period. Through the proven, step-by-step process, students receive career guidance from counselors with Masters Degrees and learn the skills required when applying to jobs: how to create a resume, cover letter and interview for the work place.

The program establishes and supervises an internship with carefully chosen workplace mentors in the student’s field of interest including technology, law, government, arts, science and more.

Read about Newton South alumni who have had prestigious internships in the program at For additional information, please contact Dr. Carole Jabbawy at 617-796-9283 or