Three Clubs Starting at Bigelow This Week

MOVIEMAKERS CLUB: Are you a fan of the GoPro? A wizard on iMovie? An expert with the greenscreen?  If you recognize any of those terms, or if you just like performing skits and songs and recording on video, then you should join the brand-new Bigelow Moviemakers Club. The first meeting after school this Wednesday in Mr. Swan’s room: 212. Sixth graders, seventh graders, and eighth graders are welcome to the Moviemakers Club.

CODING CLUB: There will be an informational meeting for students interested in joining the Coding Club this Wednesday in Lab 103.  Coding is what makes games, websites and other apps for computers and other digital devices.  NO prior experience necessary! Keep Calm and Code On.  Click here for more information

GSA: The Bigelow Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) will hold their first meeting Friday afternoon at 3:00 in Mr. Burtch’s room 203.  The GSA is a group of students and teachers who work together to create an environment of tolerance in our school. This club meets on the first Friday of the month. BE AN ALLY!  Click here for more information