Teens: Learn Storytelling at the Library

Teens can explore cross-cultural communication, digital and oral storytelling, and recording equipment at the Newton Free Library this summer.

No Person is a Single Story, July 14, 7:00 pm
Cultural competency trainer and author Marilyn Gardner presents personal stories to illustrate cross-cultural communication. Teens and adults welcome.

Storytelling Workshops, Tuesdays (7/28, 8/4, 8/11), 7:00pm
Learn about the art of storytelling! Learn how to use recording equipment. Develop and practice your story in preparation for Story Slam on August 25.

Story Slam! August 25, 7:00pm
Teens present their stories before a live, friendly audience. Refreshments provided.

The program builds on STEAM initiatives and Summer Reading themes (Unmask and Every Hero Has a Story). More info is available from Liz Rowland, teens@newtonfreelibrary.net