Coin Drive for Newton’s Civil War Heroes

Donate your change to help preserve the Newton Civil War Monument!

The Soldiers’ Monument to Newton’s fallen sons stands in Newton Cemetery and turns 150 years old this year.  A coin drive by Newton’s school children in 1863 helped fund construction of the monument, which was dedicated in July 1864 before the war was over.  The Monument was restored last fall and paid for with Community Preservation Act (CPA) funds.  A coin drive this year will start a maintenance fund for the upkeep of the Memorial.

We need YOU to adopt a coin bucket for your school!  Please contact Katy Hax Holmes at(617) 796-1143 or and we can get you started.  This coin drive would start May 5th and last about one week.

Please join us on May 18, 2014 at 1:00 pm in Newton Cemetery to honor Newton’s Civil War sons, husbands, brothers, and friends.  And see how far spare change can go when we work together to remember the youth of Newton who gave “the last full measure of their devotion.”