Thank you!! Election Day Bake Sale is a Success!

Thanks to help from many bakers, staffers, shoppers, and more, the Election Day bake sale raised $800. The money will be used to fund vital Bigelow PTO activities, including the Creative Arts and Sciences program for all students.

We greatly appreciate the help of the following people: Miriam Alandydy, Rachel Boloyan, Julie Bourgoin, Kim Buckton, Catherine Cremin, Merarys Cuniff, Nisa Dailey, Lydia Davis, Frieda Dweck, Janet Feinberg, Gail Fitzgerald, Joanne Gatnik, Michelle Gonzalez McEvoy, Liz Haas, Barbara Joseph, Carolyn Judge, Renee Kwok, Melissa Lerou, Becky Manley, Marian McDonagh, Jennifer Mendelsohn, Carrie Merz, Lauri Perry, Akiko Schultz, Lori Seuch, Maria Sullivan, Leslie Williams, and Jing Yuan. (Please excuse any omissions.)

And a special thanks to the Bigelow custodians for their help before and after this event.

A big thank you also goes to to Sally Brickell and Heather Mehra for organizing and running the bake sale!