REMINDER – Big Night Fundraiser Kickoff Meeting – this Thursday

When:  Thursday October 24, 7-8 pm

Where:  35 Hunnewell Ave – nibbles and drinks provided!

Please join us as we begin to plan for our biggest fundraiser of the year!  We have big and small tasks so please come meet with us to learn more about being involved.

This year’s Big Night on March 22 will be at a new venue; the New Art Center.  It promises to be a fabulous, jazzy affair; full of good food, good art, and great company!

Please come to learn more and to be a part of the planning for this event–we need lots of volunteers to help make it a success!

We look forward to meeting you!

Liz Haas and Laurie Halloran, Big Night Co-Chairs

If you are unable to attend this meeting but are interested in volunteering in any capacity for the Big Night, please email Liz or Laurie at: