Bigelow Bridge Club

Would you like your son or daughter to learn a game that, studies have shown, will improve their academic performance and is also enjoyed by just about everyone who has learned the game?

If you answered “yes”, then talk to your son or daughter about joining the Bigelow Bridge Club. This fall, Bigelow parent Jeff Lehman will be teaching participating students how to play the card game of bridge. Math teacher extraordinaire Sue Mortimer will be the faculty advisor.

The Bigelow Bridge Club lesson plans are designed just for youth. No more than ten minutes of each club meeting will be spent on formal instruction. The rest of the time will be spent doing what your children want most to do, play.

For more information on Bridge, watch  this video and you will hear how much fun other youth have learning to play bridge, even traveling to tournaments and winning scholarships.

Please contact Jeff Lehman by phone at 617-332-2134 or by e-mail at with any questions.