Ways to get involved with the Bigelow PTO next year

As this school year is winding down, the Bigelow PTO is already looking forward to a fantastic 2013-14 school year. There are many activities in the works for next year and while many positions have been filled by generous parents, we are still in need of volunteer leaders who can support school staff and student activities that have been long traditions at our middle school.

Please take a moment to read the brief descriptions of activities for which we need leadership and/or extra help and let us know if you would like to fill that role by contacting Julie Bourgoin at jbourgoin@comcast.net. Thank you for your consideration of this request.

  • Vice President (2 positions open) – Work with board chairs and committee chairs to coordinate yearly activities.
  • Advertising for Directory – Solicit advertisements for the school directory. Most activity takes place over the summer.
  • 8th Grade Activities Coordinator – Recruit 8th grade volunteers and parent volunteers to head up activities throughout the year that involve the 8th grade. Events include the car wash, Turkey Bowl, Moving On ceremony, Surf the Turf, and other transition activities for the outgoing 8th graders in June.
  • Magazine Drive Coordinator – Coordinate the annual magazine drive fundraiser in the fall.
  • Cookie Dough Fundraiser Coordinator – Coordinate the annual cookie dough fundraiser in the winter.
  • Big Night Co-Chair (1 position open) – Assist the other Big Night co-chair to plan and implement this wintertime parent’s night out fundraiser.
  • Soup Stroll Co-Chair (1 postion open) – Assist the co-chair with organizing this fall event.
  • Bake Sales – Organize bake sales for political elections throughout the year. Anticipate two elections in the 2013-14 school year.